School Board Correspondent
Seeking 1-3 volunteers per school district to attentively observe school board meetings. Volunteers should prioritize the role of observation and information sharing, fostering understanding rather than conflict. Residency within the monitored school district is preferred.
With this being an election year, November 5, 2024 will mean BIG THINGS for school boards! Indiana schools are already in the bottom 10% in the nation for teacher pay, and in this legislative session, some State Representatives and Senators from Hamilton County introduced bills that were a threat to the accuracy and integrity with which our educators to teach our children.
Unfortunately, nationally touted rhetoric and sensationalized media have created a lot of misinformation at the local level. Therefore, our mission is twofold:
Keep accurate records of the happenings at each school board meeting.
Help us get that information out to the public.
We need, ideally, one to three volunteers in each school district. They will help keep a close watch on each school board meeting. These volunteers should keep in mind that this role is not to create conflict, but to watch, listen, and inform. They should also, if possible, live in the school district they’re monitoring.
Keep a firm finger on the pulse of your school board members and meetings (no prior knowledge is necessary, but would be helpful).
Attend or watch livestream/recorded videos of each monthly/bimonthly meeting.
Do additional digging on details that could be confusing to the average citizen.
Keep the HamCo Dems Communications Committee members apprised of issues that could be concerning to citizens via email summaries of each meeting.
Help us put confusing language into layperson’s terms so that leadership can disseminate the information through our communication channels more effectively.
Watch the candidates who are running for school board. Help us identify the ones who seem to have particularly harmful agendas.