Work the Polls
The May 7 Election is fast approaching, and township chairs are looking for poll workers now. Why should you be a poll worker?
Get paid. Judges (who set up machines for voters) are paid $130 and Clerks (who check in voters on the iPad) are paid $120, plus you can also collect the $20 food allowance if you bring your own meals (which we encourage).
Meet new people. It’s always a congenial atmosphere, even with workers of the opposite party. People tend to bond after spending a whole day together.
Connect with voters, friends, and neighbors. If you work in your own precinct, you’ll be able to see who your voters are and make a note to keep in touch with them.
Learn. You’ll have a front-row seat to see how voting works in Hamilton County.
See for yourself. Our voting process is safe and accurate, and you will come away knowing how unlikely voter fraud is.
Serve your community. Poll workers from both major parties are essential to keeping elections free and fair, and protecting our democracy.
So how do you get started? Fill out the following form and you will be contacted by your township chair. Thank you so much for making a difference in our county.