Bylaws of the
Hamilton County Democratic Party
The Hamilton County Democratic Party is a volunteer-led, grassroots political organization located in Hamilton County, Indiana. We are committed to building a strong network of individuals dedicated to defending Democratic values and getting Democrats elected at every level of government.
Our mission is to inform, engage, train, and energize candidates, campaign staff, and volunteers. Our vision is for an Indiana where Hoosiers have the ability to thrive.
Article I – Name and Definitions
Section A
The official name of this organization shall be the Hamilton County Democratic Party.
Section B
The following terms shall carry the following specific meaning:
“Bylaws” shall be defined as the Bylaws of the Hamilton County Democratic Party.
“Majority” or “Simple Majority” shall be defined as fifty percent (50%) plus one (1).
“HCDP” shall be defined as the Hamilton County Democratic Party.
“IDP” shall be defined as the Indiana Democratic Party.
“County Party Executive Committee” shall be defined as the Hamilton County Democratic Party Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
“City Advisory Committee” or “City Committee” shall be defined as a standing committee of the Hamilton County Democratic Party that advances the Democratic cause in that city or township. The City Advisory Committee is composed of that city’s Steering Committee and that city’s Advisory Committee members. These committees are separate from town or city committees defined by Rule 12 of Indiana Democratic Party rules.
“City Advisory Committee member” shall be defined as a Democrat in good standing residing in that city, associated townships, or dues paying members. This does not exclude Precinct Chairs of that city. Members of the City Advisory Committee are members of the Hamilton County Democratic Party, and members of the Hamilton County Democratic Party are members of the City Advisory Committee if one exists in that geographical location.
Article II – Membership
Section A - Hamilton County Democratic Club
The Hamilton County Democratic Club (“Club”) is an extension of the Hamilton County Democratic Party. The Club is one venue where Democrats in good standing who are not Precinct Chairs and Vice Chairs can participate in activities of the HCDP. Precinct Chairs, Precinct Vice Chairs, and City Advisory Committee members can also participate in the Club.
To become a member of the Club, an individual must have their dues currently paid, if assessed, and attend two meetings annually.
The Club may also elect its own chair and vice chair. The Club will work with HCDP and committees established by it to execute the vision of the County Party Executive Committee.
Section B – Membership Definition
A person is an official member of the HCDP if they are:
An elected or appointed Precinct Chair;
An appointed Precinct Vice Chair;
The County Party Executive Committee;
A member of the Club; or
A member of a City Advisory Committee.
Article III – Meetings
Section A – Requirements
The HCDP shall meet not less than four (4) times per year. The HCDP shall make reasonable efforts to hold meetings in different geographical locations across the county. Democrats who are not Precinct Chairs and Precinct Vice Chairs are welcome, but priority will be given to Precinct Chairs and Precinct Vice Chairs if there is a capacity concern. Additionally, meetings discussing the HCDP strategy will be limited to Precinct Chairs and Precinct Vice Chairs.
Meeting notification procedures as defined by the IDP rules shall be observed.
Section B – Quorum
The presence of a simple majority of Precinct Chairs and Precinct Vice Chairs shall be required to conduct official business of the organization that is provided for by IDP rules and state law. General meetings that do not consider any business mentioned in IDP rules and state law do not need to reach quorum to proceed with business.
Section C – Voting and Proxy Voting
All Precinct Chairs and Precinct Vice Chairs shall carry only one (1) vote regardless of the number of voting positions they may hold. Official party business may only be voted on by Precinct Chairs and Precinct Vice Chairs.
A Precinct Chair who is unable to attend a meeting may designate a proxy to represent and vote in the voting member’s place except where in conflict with IDP or state law, in the following manner:
To designate a proxy, a Precinct Chair shall provide written notice to the HCDP County Chair and HCDP Secretary that they will be absent from the meeting and who shall serve as their proxy.
Notice may be given by email or other electronic communications.
The proxy shall be a Precinct Chair or Vice Precinct Chair in good standing.
In the case where a meeting is called to handle any item of business before the County Central Committee as provided under the IDP rules, then the proxy rules provided in Rules 21 of the IDP rules shall be followed.
Article IV – City Advisory Committees
Section A – Established Committees
The HCDP may maintain the following city advisory committees (“City Committees”):
Carmel Democrats
Fishers Democrats
Noblesville Democrats
Westfield Democrats
Section B – City Committee Purpose
The purpose of the City Committees is to:
Provide a sense of community to the residents of that city;
Recruit new members to the HCDP;
Provide a more thorough understanding of the issues that residents of each city face;
Advise HCDP’s messaging in regard to that city;
Participate in and promote city community activities; and
Support candidates for office that contain precincts within the city or township boundaries.
Section C – Elections
City Committees will hold elections for their Steering Committees during the month of February. All City Advisory Committee members are eligible to vote. The date of the election must be communicated to the HCDP Chair and Secretary one week prior to the meeting. The results of the Steering Committee election must be communicated to the HCDP Chair and Secretary within two weeks of the vote.
For the Steering Committee members elected in 2022 under the previous organizing status, the length of a term of office shall be one (1) year beginning when these bylaws are adopted. Beginning in 2023, the length of a term of office for any elected Steering Committee member shall be one (1) year beginning on March 1st.
City Committees shall maintain the following elected positions (“Steering Committee”):
Vice President
At least two (2) members of the Steering Committee shall be Precinct Chairs of that city.
Section D – Vacancies and Removals
Any Steering Committee member may be removed from office for good cause by a majority of the County Party Executive Committee and that city’s Steering Committee. Such Steering Committee members may not vote in their removal proceedings. The County Chair shall preside over City Committee meeting where the removal of the Steering Committee member is considered.
When a vacancy occurs in an office of the Steering Committee, it shall be filled within the first two (2) months by a vote of the membership in that City Committee. If the vacancy is not filled after the first two (2) months, the County Chair may appoint a person to fill the position for the remainder of the term.
A vacancy is defined as a resignation, the inability to hold the position due to illness or other personal reasons, three (3) absences from a Steering Committee meeting in a row, or death. The vacancy of a Steering Committee office shall be confirmed and declared by a motion of the membership upon recommendation of the presiding officer.
Section E – Duties and Responsibilities of Steering Committee
Each member of the Steering Committee shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
President. The President shall have general supervision and direction of the business and affairs of the corresponding City Committee. The duties of the President shall include but are not limited to the following:
Preside over all meetings of the City Committee.
Represent the City Committee at key events in the corresponding city.
Strive to develop membership and activity in the City Committee and the HCDP.
Coordinate efforts within the corresponding city to raise the profile of HCDP and Democrats in the area.
Vice President. The Vice President shall help execute the vision of the President of the City Committee. The duties of the Vice President shall include but are not limited to the following:
Serve as acting President of the City Committee if there is a vacancy for President, or in the case of disability of the President to serve.
Strive to develop membership and activity in the City Committee and the HCDP.
Identify key individuals in the city who can speak to issues the city faces.
Organize annual Steering Committee elections.
Secretary. The Secretary shall maintain all minutes of all regular meetings, Steering Committee meetings, and special meetings of the City Committee.
Maintain any bylaws established by the City Committee, and any other necessary records and documentation.
Coordinate with the Vice President to administer annual Steering Committee elections.
Quarterly review that membership is updated in the HCDP Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system.
Treasurer. The Treasurer shall keep complete and accurate financial books and records.
Maintain any monetary exchanges between the City Committee and the HCDP. This includes any funds given to the City Committee by the HCDP for programming, or any funds given to the City Committee by residents of the city, Democratic PACs, or other donors.
Provide a monthly status update of the funds used/received to the HCDP Treasurer.
Work with the HCDP Treasurer to complete any campaign finance filings the HCDP has to complete.
Section F – Bylaws
City Committees may establish their own bylaws, provided they are not in conflict with these HCDP bylaws, IDP rules, state law, or federal law.
Section G – Funds
City Committees shall have the ability to raise funds according to the rules provided in the Hamilton County Democratic Party’s City Committee Fundraising Procedure. The final allocation of the funds between the City Committee that raised the funds and the HCDP is detailed in the HCDP’s City Committee Fundraising Procedure.
The Hamilton County Democratic Party’s City Committee Fundraising Procedure may be updated as needed by a vote from the County Party Executive Committee and the President and Treasurer of each City Committee at a special meeting. A two-thirds (⅔) majority is required to adjust the procedure. If an individual holds multiple offices, their vote only counts once.
Section H – Disband
City Committees may be disbanded if two-thirds (2/3) of Precinct Chairs and Vice Precinct Chairs in that city or associated townships vote to disband the City Committee.
Section I – Endorsements
City Committees may not endorse candidates that are not endorsed by the HCDP.
Article V – Additional Committees
Section A
Committees, not including Committees as described in Article IV, may be created at the discretion of the County Chair. Committee members may be Precinct Chairs or Democrats in good standing. Any order of the County Chair that creates an additional committee shall expire on the day of the next reorganization of the County Party Executive Committee or by motion of the County Party Executive Committee.
Section B
Additional City Committees may be created by a majority vote of the Precinct Chairs and Vice Precinct Chairs, with a limit of one Committee per city or town. One or more Precinct Chairs and Precinct Vice Chairs shall notify the County Chair, in writing, that a vote has taken place to create a City Committee. Once the County Chair receives written notice, the County Chair shall have ninety (90) days to define any unincorporated precincts that would be eligible to vote in the creation of the City Committee. These newly created City Committees will fall under the same City Committee rules as outlined in Article IV for an existing City Committees. A vote to create a City Committee can only occur in that geographical region annually.
Article VI – Amendments
Section A
Amendments to the Bylaws must be approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the Precinct Chairs of Hamilton County, present and voting.
Section B
Proposed amendments may be introduced by a Precinct Chair in good standing. Amendments shall be submitted in writing to the HCDP Secretary and Vice Chair. Upon receipt of a proposed amendment, the Secretary shall coordinate with the County Chair to disseminate the proposed amendment and schedule a vote of Precinct Chairs.
Article VII – General Provisions
Section A
Before an expenditure of funds can be made outside of the process outlined in Article IV, an appropriation shall be approved by a simple majority of the County Party Executive Committee.
Section B
A candidate for public office may not be endorsed or otherwise publicly supported by the HCDP unless the decision to endorse said candidate is approved by a majority vote, present and voting, of the County Party Executive Committee and one representative of the City Committee(s) in that geographic location at a special meeting. If no City Committee is established in that geographic location, the sole discretion to make an endorsement shall fall to the County Party Executive Committee. Any votes that end in a tie shall be broken by the County Chair.
Article VIII – Hamilton County Democratic Party Assault Policy
The HCDP is committed to creating and maintaining a community where all individuals who participate in this organization’s programs and activities can work together in an atmosphere free of Harassment, Exploitation, Violence, or Intimidation. Every member of the HCDP community should be aware that the organization strictly, absolutely, and wholly prohibits Harassment, Sexual Violence, and Domestic Violence, and that such behavior violates both law and organization policy and is a crime. The HCDP will respond promptly to reports of Harassment, Sexual Violence, and Domestic Violence, and will take appropriate action to prevent, to correct, and when necessary, to discipline and/or cooperate with law enforcement authorities regarding any behavior that violates this Policy on Harassment, Sexual Violence, and Domestic Violence (hereinafter, the “Policy”).
Definitions of Prohibited Conduct
Harassment: Harassment is defined as unwelcome conduct that is based on a person’s sex, national origin, race, color, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, or other immutable characteristics. Harassment can include but is not limited to:
Unwelcome sexual advances;
Unwelcome requests for sexual favors;
Other verbal or physical harassment;
Offensive remarks about any of a person’s characteristic(s) listed above;
The use of social media or mobile technology to portray another individual in a sexually explicit way without their freely given, voluntary, and conscious consent;
Though this Policy does not prohibit outright teasing, offhand slights, or isolated incidents (unless extremely serious), harassment which is frequent or severe such that it creates a hostile, uncomfortable, or offensive environment, or when it results in an adverse decision by the individual being harassed (such as the victim leaving a conference or meeting prematurely, or leaving the organization as a whole), will fall under this Policy’s definition of “harassment” and therefore be subject to the disciplinary process for harassment outlined within this Policy.
Sexual Violence: Sexual violence as of any kind will not be tolerated by the HCDP. Sexual violence is defined any act of a sexual nature--including the touching, fondling, or penetration of another individual or the use of an object to touch, fondle, or penetrate--performed on an individual, or in which an individual is made to perform on another, without their freely given, voluntary, and conscious consent to such act. Sexual violence includes rape, sexual battery, and sexual assault. An individual cannot consent to a sexual act if that individual is underage, unconscious, asleep, intoxicated due to alcohol, drugs, or another substance, or is otherwise incapacitated. Lack of protest, silence, or lack of resistance do not by themselves constitute consent. A prior sexual or romantic relationship between the persons involved is not by itself an indicator of consent.
Domestic Violence: Domestic Violence is defined as conduct by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim--or a person with whom the victim shares a child in common--that intentionally or recklessly causes bodily injury to the victim, another, or an animal, or places the victim or another in reasonable fear of serious bodily injury.
Retaliation: Retaliation is defined as to include threats, intimidation, reprisals, and/or adverse organizational actions against a person based on their report of harassment, sexual violence, or domestic violence. Retaliation is strictly prohibited by HCDP.
Accusations of Harassment, Sexual Violence, or Domestic Violence
Any substantiated accusations against an HCDP Precinct Chair, member, volunteer, or otherwise HCDP-associated individual, which allege that they have committed sexual violence or domestic violence against another, are potential grounds for immediate, permanent, and total exclusion from participation in any and all HCDP activities and events.
Any accusations against an HCDP Precinct Chair, Precinct Vice Chair, member, volunteer, or otherwise HCDP-associated individual, which allege that they have harassed, as defined above, another individual shall be reviewed by an Ethics Committee, as created by the County Chair. The Ethics Committee must be created within one (1) week of the accusation being reported to the County Chair, and must convene within three (3) days of receiving the report.
If two-thirds (⅔) of the Ethics Committee cannot be gathered within three days, then any decision by the Ethics Committee, provided a quorum is reached through the presence of forty percent (40%) of the Ethics Committee at the meeting, that is present must be unanimous. The Ethics Committee participation by telephonic means or through electronic platforms like Zoom or Google Hangout shall be allowed (for both quorum and voting purposes) provided the Ethics Committee members are given access to the same information (including any written documentation) that is provided to Ethics Committee members who are present in person.
Suspension and Exclusion Mechanism
If an individual’s membership in HCDP is terminated or HCDP suspends its association with an individual accused of Sexual Violence, Domestic Violence, or Harassment, the following items take immediate effect:
The Ethics Committee shall send the name of the individual to the Chair of the IDP, the president of each constituency caucus, and the District Chair with a summary of the Ethics Committee’s decision and length of the disciplinary action.
The individual shall be disallowed to participate in any HCDP functions including but not limited to conventions, conferences, meetings, and all other events.
The individual shall be ineligible to register for HCDP conventions, conferences, meetings, and all other events. The HCDP Treasurer and HCDP Secretary shall ensure that any registration fees are immediately returned to the individual.
The individual shall be ineligible to participate in any HCDP meetings. The individual shall also be ineligible to send or receive proxies.
If the member is an appointed Precinct Chair, they will be removed.
Any member empowered under these Bylaws or any other rule to call a meeting, conference, convention, or any other event are empowered to ensure the physical removal of the individual at any HCDP conventions, conferences, meetings, or any other events by all legal means.
Involved Ethics Committees shall ensure that the identities and incident details surrounding survivors of Harassment, Sexual Violence, or Domestic Violence are completely kept confidential except as provided under this policy. Any violation of the confidentiality section of this policy shall constitute gross dereliction of duty and be grounds for impeachment.
Law Enforcement Involvement
If the Central Committee learns of Sexual Violence or Domestic Violence accusations against a member, and the Central Committee believes the safety or well-being of another individual is compromised due to conduct of the accused, then the Central Committee reserves the right to report any crimes or policy violations to local law enforcement authorities and shall cooperate fully with these authorities.
Article IX – Ratification
Section A
All articles shall be in effect immediately upon ratification of these Bylaws.
Section B
This section shall automatically be amended to reflect the date these Bylaws were ratified and the date each time these Bylaws are amended: August 27, 2022
Hamilton County Democratic Party’s City Committee Fundraising Procedure
Section A
City Committees shall have the ability to raise funds under the tiered rules as set forth herein:
Tier 1: 100% of the funds raised by an individual City Committee in a calendar year up to $4,000 will remain with the City Committee.
Tier 2: 50% of funds raised in excess of $4,000 during a calendar year by an individual City Committee will be retained by that committee.
For example, if a City Committee raised $5,000, they would retain $4,500, and the HCDP would receive $500. Dues collected by the City Committee are excluded from the above tier system.
City Committee funds shall be used in any of the following ways:
Supplies for canvassers (water bottles, clipboards, etc.)
Community service activities within that geographical region
Letter writing campaigns
Training for volunteers
Social activities such as:
Individual one on one meetings with Democrats
Sponsorships for members to attend various trainings / Democratic events
Community outreach to spread the Democratic message
Candidate support activities as described:
Within their city; and
Democratic candidates approved by HCDP
Miscellaneous activities with approval by HCDP
Section B
Expenditures of over $1,500 per item must be approved by the HCDP Central Committee and a representative of each City Committee at a special meeting. The representative voting from that City Committee cannot be the representative presenting the expenditure to the voting group. A tie will be broken by the HCDP President.
Section C
If a City Committee raises funds for a specific candidate or community project, all funds from that effort will be directed to that candidate or project.
Section D
Bank accounts will be owned by the HCDP. Each City Committee will have a bank account created under the HCDP bank account. Only the Treasurer of each City Committee, the HCDP Treasurer, and the HCDP County Chair will have access to banking information. For the purposes of this section the HCDP Treasurer, as treasurer of the campaign finance committee established by the County Party under law, shall be listed as the treasurer on all City Committee accounts. For the purpose of compliance with Indiana campaign finance law (Indiana Code 3-9), each City Committee Treasurer shall be considered an assistant treasurer to the HCDP Treasurer and is authorized to make deposits and disbursements from the City Committee account in the place of the HCDP Treasurer.
Section E
For the purpose of compliance with the Indiana campaign finance law (Indiana Code 3-9), this section is established as a means of compliance with the requirement that all contributions and disbursements of funds pass through the hands of the treasurer of the campaign finance committee. By the first Saturday of each month, the City Committee Treasurer will file a Profits & Losses (P & L) report with the County Treasurer. This report should include the amount of funds to be transferred back to HCDP. Specific format of the P & L and filing process will be established by the HCDP and City Committee Treasurers. Specific cadence of fund transfer back to the HCDP will be established by the HCDP and City Committee Treasurers.
Section F
HCDP dues will be $30 annually. If a City Committee exists in that geographical location, dues will be split evenly between the HCDP and the City Committee.
Section G
City Committees are prohibited from the following:
Contributing to a federal candidate;
Contributing to a candidate in a contested primary; and
Executing or authorizing the execution of any deed, contract or mortgage, or any other instrument affecting the real property or reserve funds of the City Committee or HCDP.
Section H
If a City Committee improperly uses funds, any fees assessed to the County Party would be removed from that City Committee’s funds. The first two instances of improper use of funds will result in a warning, provided the amount used is under $1,000. A third instance of improper use of funds will result in that individual’s removal from the City Committee Steering Committee. This supersedes Section D of the HCDP Bylaws.
If the amount is in excess of $1,000, it is up to the County Chair to determine whether immediate removal is warranted, regardless of if it is the first or third instance.
If it is found that the City Committee’s improper use of funds is malicious and not a mistake or misunderstanding, the individual will be removed from the City Committee Steering Committee. This supersedes Section D of the HCDP Bylaws.